It would be handy to be able to create temporary accounts using accounts service, useful for things like guest logins from a display manager.
LightDM currently does this (with code modified from an Ubuntu patch to GDM) [1] [2]. The behaviour is basically:
1. Something requests a guest account
2. A new account is created with a random username guest-XXXXXX
3. Some OS dependant code is run to lock the account down
4. The username is returned
5. The account can be deleted using the username
Are there any plans for this in accounts service? If not, I'll start working on a patch.
It would be handy to be able to create temporary accounts using accounts service, useful for things like guest logins from a display manager.
LightDM currently does this (with code modified from an Ubuntu patch to GDM) [1] [2]. The behaviour is basically:
1. Something requests a guest account
2. A new account is created with a random username guest-XXXXXX
3. Some OS dependant code is run to lock the account down
4. The username is returned
5. The account can be deleted using the username
Are there any plans for this in accounts service? If not, I'll start working on a patch.
[1] http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~lightdm- team/lightdm/ trunk/view/ head:/src/ guest-account. c bazaar. launchpad. net/~ubuntu- desktop/ lightdm/ ubuntu/ view/head: /debian/ guest-account
[2] http://