Comment 0 for bug 1416051

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote : juju-core 1.21.1 is not packaged in Ubuntu

We're now in a position to have 1.21.1 enter trusty-proposed and vivid-proposed, but it should not land in trusty-updates or vivid until upstream passes QA on our proposed binaries, published 1.20.11 tools in their stable simplestream and announces the release for general production use.

[SRU Information]

juju-core has a stable release exception in, including for major version updates.

[Development Fix]

Full backport of new upstream release. racb will remove the block-proposed tag when verification has passed, and then this update should migrate to vivid.

[Stable Fix]

Full backport of new upstream release.

[Pre-QA tasks]

[racb] Upload to the development release (vivid-proposed): TODO
[racb] Upload to the current LTS release (trusty-proposed): TODO

[QA Status]

Since there are multiple verifications required, they are listed here as a work item whiteboard status type thing rather than try and track them in a single tag. Please do not mark verification-done or remove block-proposed until all following items have passed. If any of these items fail, this bug should be marked verification-failed immediately.

[sinzui] Upsteam QA test against Vivid: TODO
[sinzui] Upstream QA test against Trusty: TODO
[sinzui] Upstream release process complete: TODO

Manual tests required:

[sinzui] Test juju-quickstart against vivid-proposed: TODO
[sinzui] Test juju-quickstart against trusty-proposed: TODO

The following stakeholders have expressed an interest in performing their own tests and we will wait for a (timely) acknowledgement from them before removing the -proposed blocks. If you also have an interest in testing new Juju releases before they land in an SRU, then please comment in this bug.

Landscape team QA: ?TODO