The josm package in Debian has been updated to fix this issue, see:
The -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True and -Xmx1024m options are now included in /etc/default/josm, but disabled by default.
The changes have also been forwarded upstream for use in the JOSM PPA:
The josm package in Debian has been updated to fix this issue, see:
https:/ /anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-grass/ josm.git/ commit/ ?id=d9f76e0ec7e f6899c7b5455551 66166eb62a20c1
The -Dsun.java2d. opengl= True and -Xmx1024m options are now included in /etc/default/josm, but disabled by default.
The changes have also been forwarded upstream for use in the JOSM PPA:
https:/ /josm.openstree ticket/ 13002