Comment 0 for bug 338286

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AndreK (andre-k) wrote : language selector in Jaunty lists something in "wrong" place

Norway operates with "two" versions of the Norwegian language:
"Bokmål" , and "Nynorsk"
Bokmål is the common, normal language
Nynorsk is a bizarre pile of crap they teach at school for 2-3 years.


Installed languages lists among others these:

Bokmål, Norwegian
Norwegian (? - can be removed - I assume it's the same as bokmål, anyway only two should be needed)
Norwegian Nynorsk......

the problem is that the first, "bokmål, norwegian" starts with "B" and can be found in a completely different place.
"Bokmål, Norwegian...." should be renamed to "Norwegian, Bokmål...."