Ah, sorry, let me be precise. Not the "ubuntu and the xubuntu CD" but these ISO images:
# sha1sum xubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso a1bcc46d01387337d4be81ba76e89b495a7b5331 xubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso f373c0aec6162cdba76ee9084e695866a15e441a ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso
Ah, sorry, let me be precise. Not the "ubuntu and the xubuntu CD" but these ISO images:
# sha1sum xubuntu- 18.04-desktop- amd64.iso ubuntu- 18.04-desktop- amd64.iso 7d4be81ba76e89b 495a7b5331 xubuntu- 18.04-desktop- amd64.iso ba76ee9084e6958 66a15e441a ubuntu- 18.04-desktop- amd64.iso