Comment 27 for bug 662296

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package indicator-sound -

indicator-sound ( maverick-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Fixed a regression, which would show the metadata widget when the
      player has no current track (LP: #674016)

indicator-sound (0.5.0-0ubuntu1) maverick-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Buttons' hover image stays after dragging (LP: #643395)
    - Sound indicator works incorrect with playing status (LP: #656947)
    - sound applet volume slider has no effect if pulseaudio is
      restarted (LP: #662296)
    - Default music player should be present in the menu from a clean
      install (LP: #664743)
 -- Ken VanDine <email address hidden> Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:40:47 -0500