[ jonas-drange ]
* [hotspot] hide/show based on modem availability from Connectivity
(which also requires a bumped dep). (LP: #1487157)
* [time-date] Migrate threaded code to worker-object pattern, move
sorting to a worker thread from the GUI thread, and only instantiate
UbuntuTimeDatePanel plugin once. (LP: #1492260)
* [wifi/wpa2ep] allow passwords of length 1 for wpa enterprise
authentication schemes. (LP: #1490417)
This bug was fixed in the package ubuntu- system- settings - 0.3+15. 10.20150918- 0ubuntu1
--------------- system- settings (0.3+15. 10.20150918- 0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
[ jonas-drange ] atePanel plugin once. (LP: #1492260)
* [hotspot] hide/show based on modem availability from Connectivity
(which also requires a bumped dep). (LP: #1487157)
* [time-date] Migrate threaded code to worker-object pattern, move
sorting to a worker thread from the GUI thread, and only instantiate
* [wifi/wpa2ep] allow passwords of length 1 for wpa enterprise
authentication schemes. (LP: #1490417)
-- <email address hidden> (Jonas G. Drange) Fri, 18 Sep 2015 14:20:27 +0000