Comment 12 for bug 1296715

Revision history for this message
Björn Michaelsen (bjoern-michaelsen) wrote :

So looking into this is like following the white rabbit:
The g_lo_action_group and g_lo_menu from vcl/unx/gtk/window/glo{actiongroup,menu}.cxx seem fine.
The vcl menu from include/vcl/menu.hxx seems fine too.
Neither VCLXMenu from include/toolkit nor the various Menubar classes from framework/ seem to be the issue
Now at sfx2 using the "insert bookmark" entry as an example to follow:
- This is provided by the SwTextShell with SlotId:20302
- When leaving the formula mode, a new SwTextShell is instantiated and pushed on the stack of the SfxDispatcher (but only upon flush() with a timeout callback to make things more interesting to debug)

So the shell seems to be there, but doesnt claim the slot. Investigating on from here.