Comment 33 for bug 1301015

Revision history for this message
Joshua (development-caddgeek) wrote :

This is ridiculous to see this is still an issue. I ran an update on a couple farms (that were staged in a lab). Now my networking scripts that I had *FIXED* are now overwritten... I now have 300+ servers that don't do anything with an init networking script. If this script is an issue, then please leave it out. The community will create their own patches. But more importantly, if this script was disabled purposefully (note the fix below) why was it overwritten by changes that don't do anything?

Can someone please post a link to where this decision was made? It's one thing if you want to disable this for desktops. It's an entire other issue for disabling for headless servers.

And why is there an init script that does nothing anyway? This makes no sense. An init script that sill exists I assume are "for legacy purposes" that is purposely broken? This is years in reverse to proclaim the OLD way for bouncing the network is now the "documented way." This breaks the motto of Ubuntu : Linux for Humans.

For those humans that still want to fix it (if you haven't done it already). Edit the script and go down to the arg switch... Comment out anything like the following...
       if init_is_upstart; then
               exit 0

Make it like...

# Why did you do this?
# if init_is_upstart; then
# exit 0
# fi