Adding a hacked (fixed) jviewer.jnlp [ hacked_jviewer.jnlp ] (different session tokens, but with XML tags around "application-desc/argument" cleaned up)
If you can download the JNLP file, and fix it up fast enough, then open it using IcedTea in Nautilus, then you can get the JViewer Java app to work. This, in my case at least, is a malformed XML/JNLP file, which looks like a BMC firmware bug to me.
Adding a hacked (fixed) jviewer.jnlp [ hacked_jviewer.jnlp ] (different session tokens, but with XML tags around "application- desc/argument" cleaned up)
If you can download the JNLP file, and fix it up fast enough, then open it using IcedTea in Nautilus, then you can get the JViewer Java app to work. This, in my case at least, is a malformed XML/JNLP file, which looks like a BMC firmware bug to me.