Comment 2 for bug 674020

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cablop (cablop) wrote :

How to test it.

Install Ubuntu.
Add some ibus methods, like pinyin, chinese, japanese or composite.
Open gedit and test:
 - Test typing some accented characters on it (use an accented keyboard layout, like spanish, french or us international)
 - Test typing via an ibus method.
As expected text enters correctly on gedit.
Install a qt based app, like Skype or Kate. I was using Skype.
Open Skype.
 - Test typing some accented characters on it.
 - Test enabling an ibus method.
As not expected text with accents is not entered and after some time it starts to appear random characters instead of the ones you are typing.

To solve it you must manually install ibus-qt4 and restart. But the common user of the system is unaware of the reason, there's not even a simple warning on the issue.

The expected behavior must be for ibus to install ibus-qt4 by default or once a qt app is installed.