hybserv has been removed from Debian and thus will not be part of Precise, so I'm not sure this makes sense to fix it.
It you feel that this is worth a SRU (Stable Release Update. You can find a description there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates ), please follow the process described at the previous link.
I'm unsubscribing sponsors for the moment: please subscribe sponsors again as soon as you get the SRU part sorted out.
hybserv has been removed from Debian and thus will not be part of Precise, so I'm not sure this makes sense to fix it. /wiki.ubuntu. com/StableRelea seUpdates ), please follow the process described at the previous link.
It you feel that this is worth a SRU (Stable Release Update. You can find a description there: https:/
I'm unsubscribing sponsors for the moment: please subscribe sponsors again as soon as you get the SRU part sorted out.