This patch is one of several needed to fix sound on PowerPC. The wrong modules are loaded/blacklisted on many machines, causing sound not to work or worse the fatal "Fixing recursive fault rebooted is needed!" bug -
This patch is one of several needed to fix sound on PowerPC. The wrong modules are loaded/blacklisted on many machines, causing sound not to work or worse the fatal "Fixing recursive fault rebooted is needed!" bug - https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ linux/+ bug/1066435
The attached patch incorporates the suggestions in this debian bug report https:/ /bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 650588 , and additionally splits off the 'i2s-a' machines which nolonger use snd_powermac (at least that is what I understand from this linuxppc-dev message - http:// comments. gmane.linux. ports.ppc. embedded/ 51204 ).
It would be excellent if this could make it into Trusty. I'm going to submit another bug on the casper package.