Comment 15 for bug 437162

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package gnome-bluetooth - 2.28.1-0ubuntu2

gnome-bluetooth (2.28.1-0ubuntu2) karmic; urgency=low

  * fix LP: #437162 - Gnome Bluetooth needs to use different icons for
    notification area and system menu; take notify.c part of bgo:596564
    patch to support special icons for tray; also install all bluetooth.png
    as bluetooth-active.png in binary-post-install/gnome-bluetooth::
    - debian/patches/01-status-icon.patch
  * fix LP: #445422 - topcrash bluetooth-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in
    g_type_instance_get_private(); add improved patch from bgo:598181
    - debian/patches/02-lazy-killswitch-crashes.patch
  * fix memleak surrouding killswitch removal
    - debian/patches/03-fix-killswitch-memleak.patch
  * fix handling of killswitch removal
    - debian/patches/04-fix-yes-no-killswitch-handling.patch
  * fix icon not properly removed from panel after bt device/killswitch
    gets removed
    - debian/patches/05-fix-icon-visibility-for-no-killswitch.patch

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Oct 2009 17:00:55 +0200