* Ship ubuntu GNOME Shell mode which will be a slightely modified
mode compared to upstream vanilla GNOME Shell one:
reference a cutomized ubuntu.css, with some based rules changes
from the upstream one, like default font, no symbolic icon in the
appmenu for coherence with other set of icons not having symbolic ones.
We use regexp rules based on the source shell css, so that it's always
in sync with shell theming on any update. (LP: #1698795)
* Dropped debian/patches/ubuntu_font.patch, not needed anymore as we will
have our own theme.
* debian/patches/ubuntu_gdm.patch:
as gdm is system-wide and not session-wide, ensure gdm has an ubuntu
styling by default, not impacting the gnome user session though.
* Bump Standard-Version to latest
* Remove debian/gnome-shell.gsettings-override, as this is now in
ubuntu-settings, and we will have per-session overrides there.
This bug was fixed in the package gnome-shell - 3.24.3-0ubuntu2
gnome-shell (3.24.3-0ubuntu2) artful; urgency=medium
* Ship ubuntu GNOME Shell mode which will be a slightely modified patches/ ubuntu_ font.patch, not needed anymore as we will patches/ ubuntu_ gdm.patch: gnome-shell. gsettings- override, as this is now in settings, and we will have per-session overrides there.
mode compared to upstream vanilla GNOME Shell one:
reference a cutomized ubuntu.css, with some based rules changes
from the upstream one, like default font, no symbolic icon in the
appmenu for coherence with other set of icons not having symbolic ones.
We use regexp rules based on the source shell css, so that it's always
in sync with shell theming on any update. (LP: #1698795)
* Dropped debian/
have our own theme.
* debian/
as gdm is system-wide and not session-wide, ensure gdm has an ubuntu
styling by default, not impacting the gnome user session though.
* Bump Standard-Version to latest
* Remove debian/
-- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Mon, 14 Aug 2017 09:03:41 +0200