For the first time in about 10 or 12 versions of Fedora, I cannot simply install my HP p1102w Laserjet Pro printer using HPLIP.
For the first several hours I kept getting:
"HPLIP cannot detect printers in your network. This may be due to existing firewall settings blocking the required ports. When you are in a trusted network environment, you may open the ports for network services like mdns and slp in the firewall. For detailed steps follow the link. "
Nope. Turning off firewall didn't help. Ping showed printer ip alive. Windows on a dual boot laptop worked immediately with the printer in the same network. Windows in a VirtualBox VM running under Linux worked immediately. Multiple machinations failed and eventually the network failed entirely on the printer and I did a full reset. Reset turned networking back on, DHCP from the router gave the printer the fixed IP and Windows could again print to the printer.
Trying earlier versions of HPLIP (since earlier versions worked fine on all 4 Fedora machines we have in the house) failed due to dependency issues. Went back to HPLIP installed from repo. Failed. Found advice to get and use it to manually make the HPLIP files. Did that.
That got me to the place where it stated that I needed a plugin and could install it from HP via the network. I agreed. Plugin installed successfully. So, that means the printer was found? but then when it said I could install the printer from there--I got the ""HPLIP cannot detect printers in your network." Switched to mDNS. No joy.
For the first time in about 10 or 12 versions of Fedora, I cannot simply install my HP p1102w Laserjet Pro printer using HPLIP.
For the first several hours I kept getting:
"HPLIP cannot detect printers in your network. This may be due to existing firewall settings blocking the required ports. When you are in a trusted network environment, you may open the ports for network services like mdns and slp in the firewall. For detailed steps follow the link. hplipopensource .com/node/ 375 "
Nope. Turning off firewall didn't help. Ping showed printer ip alive. Windows on a dual boot laptop worked immediately with the printer in the same network. Windows in a VirtualBox VM running under Linux worked immediately. Multiple machinations failed and eventually the network failed entirely on the printer and I did a full reset. Reset turned networking back on, DHCP from the router gave the printer the fixed IP and Windows could again print to the printer.
Trying earlier versions of HPLIP (since earlier versions worked fine on all 4 Fedora machines we have in the house) failed due to dependency issues. Went back to HPLIP installed from repo. Failed. Found advice to get and use it to manually make the HPLIP files. Did that.
That got me to the place where it stated that I needed a plugin and could install it from HP via the network. I agreed. Plugin installed successfully. So, that means the printer was found? but then when it said I could install the printer from there--I got the ""HPLIP cannot detect printers in your network." Switched to mDNS. No joy.