git bisect start '--term-new=fixed' '--term-old=unfixed'
# fixed: [ebf033b47d58aa04ae9913038c9369dab8740411] [RELEASE] Released version 1.8.19
git bisect fixed ebf033b47d58aa04ae9913038c9369dab8740411
# unfixed: [cd117685f0cff4f2f5577ef6a21eaae96ebd9f28] [RELEASE] Released version 1.8.8
git bisect unfixed cd117685f0cff4f2f5577ef6a21eaae96ebd9f28
# fixed: [88c166870a779985d50f6a2cf840c844bc9b64da] BUG/MINOR: tools: fix set_net_port() / set_host_port() on IPv4
git bisect fixed 88c166870a779985d50f6a2cf840c844bc9b64da
# unfixed: [fdc6c62dbebf4b646b4f80c383e3b00f34b0440f] MINOR: systemd: consider exit status 143 as successful
git bisect unfixed fdc6c62dbebf4b646b4f80c383e3b00f34b0440f
# unfixed: [ad84851746243d85f9be59703e9bee0f5c5f8eba] BUG/MEDIUM: threads: fix the double CAS implementation for ARMv7
git bisect unfixed ad84851746243d85f9be59703e9bee0f5c5f8eba
# fixed: [d9a130e1962c2a5352f33088c563f4248a102c48] BUG/MEDIUM: mux_pt: dereference the connection with care in mux_pt_wake()
git bisect fixed d9a130e1962c2a5352f33088c563f4248a102c48
# unfixed: [a1110e24e5be53ba5fe9ab82372c02a60da06cf9] BUG/MINOR: map: fix map_regm with backref
git bisect unfixed a1110e24e5be53ba5fe9ab82372c02a60da06cf9
# unfixed: [3c42f13badd149c9c3152d7b2e653bde5da7c17a] BUG/MEDIUM: cli/threads: protect all "proxy" commands against concurrent updates
git bisect unfixed 3c42f13badd149c9c3152d7b2e653bde5da7c17a
# unfixed: [d13cb1516cb5ae4cb8322ed630e1d4e1f584fd77] DOC: Fix spelling error in configuration doc
git bisect unfixed d13cb1516cb5ae4cb8322ed630e1d4e1f584fd77
# unfixed: [5b58c92dc9357a87aa3fe94c8121f683feb9c80e] BUG/MINOR: lua: Bad HTTP client request duration.
git bisect unfixed 5b58c92dc9357a87aa3fe94c8121f683feb9c80e
# first fixed commit: [d9a130e1962c2a5352f33088c563f4248a102c48] BUG/MEDIUM: mux_pt: dereference the connection with care in mux_pt_wake()
Cherry picking the identified commit (d9a130e1962c2a5352f33088c563f4248a102c48) on top of 1.8.8 makes things work. I will keep it running for a bit longer and see if it stays stable.
Just ran through the bisect:
git bisect start '--term-new=fixed' '--term- old=unfixed' 04ae9913038c936 9dab8740411] [RELEASE] Released version 1.8.19 4ae9913038c9369 dab8740411 f2f5577ef6a21ea ae96ebd9f28] [RELEASE] Released version 1.8.8 2f5577ef6a21eaa e96ebd9f28 85d50f6a2cf840c 844bc9b64da] BUG/MINOR: tools: fix set_net_port() / set_host_port() on IPv4 5d50f6a2cf840c8 44bc9b64da 646b4f80c383e3b 00f34b0440f] MINOR: systemd: consider exit status 143 as successful 46b4f80c383e3b0 0f34b0440f 85f9be59703e9be e0f5c5f8eba] BUG/MEDIUM: threads: fix the double CAS implementation for ARMv7 5f9be59703e9bee 0f5c5f8eba 5352f33088c563f 4248a102c48] BUG/MEDIUM: mux_pt: dereference the connection with care in mux_pt_wake() 352f33088c563f4 248a102c48 ba5fe9ab82372c0 2a60da06cf9] BUG/MINOR: map: fix map_regm with backref a5fe9ab82372c02 a60da06cf9 c9c3152d7b2e653 bde5da7c17a] BUG/MEDIUM: cli/threads: protect all "proxy" commands against concurrent updates 9c3152d7b2e653b de5da7c17a 4cb8322ed630e1d 4e1f584fd77] DOC: Fix spelling error in configuration doc cb8322ed630e1d4 e1f584fd77 87aa3fe94c8121f 683feb9c80e] BUG/MINOR: lua: Bad HTTP client request duration. 7aa3fe94c8121f6 83feb9c80e 5352f33088c563f 4248a102c48] BUG/MEDIUM: mux_pt: dereference the connection with care in mux_pt_wake()
# fixed: [ebf033b47d58aa
git bisect fixed ebf033b47d58aa0
# unfixed: [cd117685f0cff4
git bisect unfixed cd117685f0cff4f
# fixed: [88c166870a7799
git bisect fixed 88c166870a77998
# unfixed: [fdc6c62dbebf4b
git bisect unfixed fdc6c62dbebf4b6
# unfixed: [ad84851746243d
git bisect unfixed ad84851746243d8
# fixed: [d9a130e1962c2a
git bisect fixed d9a130e1962c2a5
# unfixed: [a1110e24e5be53
git bisect unfixed a1110e24e5be53b
# unfixed: [3c42f13badd149
git bisect unfixed 3c42f13badd149c
# unfixed: [d13cb1516cb5ae
git bisect unfixed d13cb1516cb5ae4
# unfixed: [5b58c92dc9357a
git bisect unfixed 5b58c92dc9357a8
# first fixed commit: [d9a130e1962c2a
Cherry picking the identified commit (d9a130e1962c2a 5352f33088c563f 4248a102c48) on top of 1.8.8 makes things work. I will keep it running for a bit longer and see if it stays stable.