This bug land in ubuntu 12.04 LTS too (Gwibber 3.4.1)
As you can see on the attached scren shot, I can't see any color on these two icon «T» for twitter.
How to reproduce :
- Have a account "FOO" that you authorize on gwibber
- Make the same for an other account "BAR"
- In my case i set the account "FOO" with color orange ans purple for "BAR"
- Both "FOO" and "BAR" are following "BOOfar".
→ Try to RT with you account "FOO", you will have no information on what icon standing for the account "FOO", maybe its account "BAR"; because there are 2 "T" icon with no color, and only a label "twitter" on mouseOver.
This should be considerated as a bug, not a "you should try RT once to see witch icon is witch account" if I can say like that.
This bug land in ubuntu 12.04 LTS too (Gwibber 3.4.1)
As you can see on the attached scren shot, I can't see any color on these two icon «T» for twitter.
How to reproduce :
- Have a account "FOO" that you authorize on gwibber
- Make the same for an other account "BAR"
- In my case i set the account "FOO" with color orange ans purple for "BAR"
- Both "FOO" and "BAR" are following "BOOfar".
→ Try to RT with you account "FOO", you will have no information on what icon standing for the account "FOO", maybe its account "BAR"; because there are 2 "T" icon with no color, and only a label "twitter" on mouseOver.
This should be considerated as a bug, not a "you should try RT once to see witch icon is witch account" if I can say like that.