I've been bitten by this as well, after upgrading to Hardy. Although I actually use CIFS, even though I only have Linux-boxes around. In Gutsy, the fstab-mounts would show up in Nautilus, and allow one-click mounting. No more it seems. Even worse is that the smb:/// protocol in Nautilus/gvfs seems buggy at best, with duplicate entries showing up when accessing a share, and problems connecting as my own user and not guest/anonymous (which results in read-only access).
I've been bitten by this as well, after upgrading to Hardy. Although I actually use CIFS, even though I only have Linux-boxes around. In Gutsy, the fstab-mounts would show up in Nautilus, and allow one-click mounting. No more it seems. Even worse is that the smb:/// protocol in Nautilus/gvfs seems buggy at best, with duplicate entries showing up when accessing a share, and problems connecting as my own user and not guest/anonymous (which results in read-only access).