Odd pattern: I turn phone USB Debugging off, then on again --> the phone shows up for perhaps 10 seconds and I can run around the (limited) directories within Nautilus. Then I get the error ' "mtp:host=%5Busb%3A003%2C024%5D” could not be found. Perhaps it has recently been deleted.' However, I did nothing but wait, and during that time I kept the phone awake.
I am also affected. Samsung S4, Ubuntu 14.04.
Odd pattern: I turn phone USB Debugging off, then on again --> the phone shows up for perhaps 10 seconds and I can run around the (limited) directories within Nautilus. Then I get the error ' "mtp:host= %5Busb% 3A003%2C024% 5D” could not be found. Perhaps it has recently been deleted.' However, I did nothing but wait, and during that time I kept the phone awake.