I'm having the same problem (Kubuntu lucid). gupnp-universal-cp was working fine in karmic.
As Mike Pontillo said, I had to install "gtk2-engines", but if "gnome-control-center" is not installed, the app throws the error. "gnome-control-center" (and its long list of dependencies) was installed when Mike and I were testing. I think there are missing dependencies, but I don't really know what the problem is. Other gnome app's are working fine.
I'm having the same problem (Kubuntu lucid). gupnp-universal-cp was working fine in karmic. control- center" is not installed, the app throws the error. "gnome- control- center" (and its long list of dependencies) was installed when Mike and I were testing. I think there are missing dependencies, but I don't really know what the problem is. Other gnome app's are working fine.
As Mike Pontillo said, I had to install "gtk2-engines", but if "gnome-
These are the dependencies for "gnome- control- center" : data-server gnome-about gnome-applets gnome-applets-data gnome-control- center gnome-desktop-data gnome-media gnome-media-common gnome-menus gnome-mime-data gnome-panel gnome-panel-data gnome-session-bin gnome-settings- daemon gnome-system- monitor gnome-user-guide gstreamer0. 10-pulseaudio indicator-applet indicator- application indicator-messages metacity metacity-common mousetweaks python-gmenu python-gnome2 python-gnomeapplet python-gnomecanvas rarian-compat rtkit screen- resolution- extra scrollkeeper ubuntu- system- service zenity nautilus nautilus-data pulseaudio pulseaudio- esound- compat pulseaudio- module- x11 pulseaudio-utils evolution- data-server- common gnome-session indicator-sound power-gobject1 libebackend1.2-0 libebook1.2-9 libecal1.2-7 libedata-book1.2-2 libedata-cal1.2-6 libedataserver1 .2-11 libedataserveru i1.2-8 libegroupwise1.2-13 libgdata- google1. 2-1 libgdata1.2-1 libgnome- desktop- 2-17 libgnome-media0 libgnome-menu2 libgnome- window- settings1 libgnome2-0 libgnome2-common libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2 -common libgnomekbd-common libgnomekbd4 libgnomeui-0 libgnomeui-common libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomevfs2-common libgucharmap7 libgweather-common libgweather1 libido-0.1-0 libmetacity- private0 libnautilus- extension1 libpanel-applet2-0 libpulse-browse0 libunique-1.0-0
alacarte capplets-data desktop-file-utils evolution-
libatspi1.0-0 libbonobo2-0 libbonoboui2-0 libbonoboui2-common libcamel1.2-14 libdevkit-
I purged "gnome- control- center" and then installed only the lib* ones, but this did not help.