Ghtumb package in Ubuntu is pretty old (ver. 3.0.2) while latest upstream version is 3.1.2 - please install latest Ghtumb 3.1.2 package from webupd8team repository ppa:webupd8team/gthumb ( ), check if images still look awful at 75% or 50% percent zoom levels and write comment here :)
Ghtumb package in Ubuntu is pretty old (ver. 3.0.2) while latest upstream version is 3.1.2 - please install latest Ghtumb 3.1.2 package from webupd8team repository ppa:webupd8team /gthumb (https:/ /launchpad. net/~webupd8tea m/+archive/ gthumb ), check if images still look awful at 75% or 50% percent zoom levels and write comment here :)