I fixed the broken packages by removing (sudo apt-get remove) gstreamer0.10-plugins-good and related packages - the very minimum so that it doesn't affect the working of other applications.
Next: sudo apt-get install -f
If apt-get remove says no package found, then install that and again remove it (and related libraries)
I also managed to build the farsight2 from source, thus built pidgin with vv plugin.
I fixed the broken packages by removing (sudo apt-get remove) gstreamer0. 10-plugins- good and related packages - the very minimum so that it doesn't affect the working of other applications.
Next: sudo apt-get install -f
If apt-get remove says no package found, then install that and again remove it (and related libraries)
I also managed to build the farsight2 from source, thus built pidgin with vv plugin.