* Address the missing GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR issue. LP: #2034253
livecd-rootfs (2.664.48) focal; urgency=medium
* Drop use of --removable flag to grub-install from
live-build/buildd/hooks/02-disk-image-uefi.binary, to match the cloud
images (7c760864fdcb278ca37396f06f5e3f297428d63d). This fixes
bootloader updates in the buildd images, but also fixes compatibility
with using devtmpfs for losetup.
This bug was fixed in the package livecd-rootfs - 2.664.49
livecd-rootfs (2.664.49) focal; urgency=medium
* Address the missing GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR issue. LP: #2034253
livecd-rootfs (2.664.48) focal; urgency=medium
* Drop use of --removable flag to grub-install from build/buildd/ hooks/02- disk-image- uefi.binary, to match the cloud 8ca37396f06f5e3 f297428d63d) . This fixes
images (7c760864fdcb27
bootloader updates in the buildd images, but also fixes compatibility
with using devtmpfs for losetup.
-- jchittum <email address hidden> Fri, 08 Sep 2023 08:35:15 -0500