* debian/patches/ubuntu-tpm-unknown-error-non-fatal.patch: treat "unknown"
TPM errors as non-fatal, but still write up the details as debug messages
so we can further track what happens with the systems throwing those up.
(LP: #1848892)
* debian/patches/ubuntu-linuxefi.patch: Drop extra check for Secure Boot
status in linuxefi_secure_validate(); it's unnecessary and blocking boot
in chainload (like chainloading Windows) when SB is disabled.
(LP: #1845289)
This bug was fixed in the package grub2 - 2.04-1ubuntu13
grub2 (2.04-1ubuntu13) focal; urgency=medium
* debian/ patches/ ubuntu- tpm-unknown- error-non- fatal.patch: treat "unknown" patches/ ubuntu- linuxefi. patch: Drop extra check for Secure Boot secure_ validate( ); it's unnecessary and blocking boot
TPM errors as non-fatal, but still write up the details as debug messages
so we can further track what happens with the systems throwing those up.
(LP: #1848892)
* debian/
status in linuxefi_
in chainload (like chainloading Windows) when SB is disabled.
(LP: #1845289)
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Thu, 31 Oct 2019 17:58:47 -0400