* 2.04-1ubuntu27 and 2.04-1ubuntu28 folded together for focal
* debian/patches/ubuntu-flavour-order.patch:
- Add a (hidden) GRUB_FLAVOUR_ORDER setting that can mark certain kernel
flavours as preferred, and specify an order between those preferred
flavours (LP: #1882663)
* debian/patches/ubuntu-zfs-enhance-support.patch:
- Use version_find_latest for ordering kernels, so it also supports
* debian/patches/ubuntu-dont-verify-loopback-images.patch:
- disk/loopback: Don't verify loopback images (LP: #1878541),
Thanks to Chris Coulson for the patch
* debian/patches/ubuntu-recovery-dis_ucode_ldr.patch
- Pass dis_ucode_ldr to kernel for recovery mode (LP: #1831789)
* debian/patches/ubuntu-add-initrd-less-boot-fallback.patch:
- Merge changes from xnox to fix multiple initrds support (LP: #1878705)
* debian/patches/ubuntu-clear-invalid-initrd-spacing.patch:
- Remove, no longer needed thanks to xnox's patch
* Ensure that grub-multi-install can always find templates (LP: #1879948)
-- Julian Andres Klode <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Aug 2020 16:04:31 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package grub2 - 2.04-1ubuntu26.3
grub2 (2.04-1ubuntu26.3) focal; urgency=medium
* 2.04-1ubuntu27 and 2.04-1ubuntu28 folded together for focal patches/ ubuntu- flavour- order.patch: patches/ ubuntu- zfs-enhance- support. patch: patches/ ubuntu- dont-verify- loopback- images. patch: patches/ ubuntu- recovery- dis_ucode_ ldr.patch patches/ ubuntu- add-initrd- less-boot- fallback. patch: patches/ ubuntu- clear-invalid- initrd- spacing. patch:
* debian/
- Add a (hidden) GRUB_FLAVOUR_ORDER setting that can mark certain kernel
flavours as preferred, and specify an order between those preferred
flavours (LP: #1882663)
* debian/
- Use version_find_latest for ordering kernels, so it also supports
* debian/
- disk/loopback: Don't verify loopback images (LP: #1878541),
Thanks to Chris Coulson for the patch
* debian/
- Pass dis_ucode_ldr to kernel for recovery mode (LP: #1831789)
* debian/
- Merge changes from xnox to fix multiple initrds support (LP: #1878705)
* debian/
- Remove, no longer needed thanks to xnox's patch
* Ensure that grub-multi-install can always find templates (LP: #1879948)
-- Julian Andres Klode <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Aug 2020 16:04:31 +0200