Now in Lenovo's laptop, we still meet this issue on trusty(14.04.2).
I delete the grub.cfg in recovery partition, after that it will enter grub shell.
from the result, I thought the $prefix is zero or not exist.
grub> cat (memdisk)/grub.cfg
if [ -z "$prefix" -o ! -e "$prefix" ]; then
if ! search --file --set=root /.disk/info; then search --file --set=root /.disk/mini-info
set prefix=($root)/boot/grub
if [ -e $prefix/$platform/grub.cfg ]; then
source $prefix/$platform/grub.cfg
source $prefix/grub.cfg
The file debian/build-efi-images of package grub2-2.02.
Grub executed the "search --file --set=root /.disk/info" first, try to find out the "root". Because .disk/info was exist on USB stick and HDD0 Partition2, so the result included 2 results. But the USB stick was the first. So the grub.cfg on USB stick was loaded and the system was booted from USB stick.
Now in Lenovo's laptop, we still meet this issue on trusty(14.04.2).
I delete the grub.cfg in recovery partition, after that it will enter grub shell.
from the result, I thought the $prefix is zero or not exist.
grub> cat (memdisk)/grub.cfg
if [ -z "$prefix" -o ! -e "$prefix" ]; then
search --file --set=root /.disk/mini-info ($root) /boot/grub $platform/ grub.cfg ]; then $platform/ grub.cfg
if ! search --file --set=root /.disk/info; then
set prefix=
if [ -e $prefix/
source $prefix/
source $prefix/grub.cfg
The file debian/ build-efi- images of package grub2-2.02.
Grub executed the "search --file --set=root /.disk/info" first, try to find out the "root". Because .disk/info was exist on USB stick and HDD0 Partition2, so the result included 2 results. But the USB stick was the first. So the grub.cfg on USB stick was loaded and the system was booted from USB stick.