Comment 34 for bug 1091464

Revision history for this message
Tobias G. Pfeiffer (tgpfeiffer) wrote : Re: Unable to chainload Windows 8 with Secure Boot enabled

(Disclaimer: I am using Fedora because I couldn't get Ubuntu to install, but I observed the same behavior.)

I have a Toshiba dynabook R734 (I guess it's only available in Japan) and it seems as if Secure Boot seems to be "stricter" on this device than what most people usually observe. With Secure Boot enabled, I can boot neither Windows not Linux and also the approach from #25 does not help. When I disable Secure Boot, I can boot Linux fine, and while the original Grub entry for Windows still doesn't work, the code from #25 allows to boot Windows correctly.

(Also, I can enter the UEFI settings such as "Disable Secure Boot" only when rebooting from Windows or when using a Windows Recovery disk. If I had not created the latter, I had probably made my system unusable forever.)