Comment 1 for bug 1967425

Revision history for this message
Lucas Kanashiro (lucaskanashiro) wrote (last edit ):

golang-1.16-go from Focal has Breaks: dh-golang (<< 1.43~) which is unsatisfiable in Bionic, where we have dh-golang/1.34.2. This made runc version 1.1.0-0ubuntu1 FTBFS with golang 1.16.

According to the discussion on the commit message (, version 1.40 of dh-golang is actually needed. After checking the diff between version 1.34.2 and 1.40, I noticed that the main changes needed are:

* Set GO111MODULE to off
* Set GOCACHE directory

After applying those changes directly to runc, it built with golang 1.16 and dh-golang 1.34.2. This might help others trying to make some package build with golang 1.16 in bionic once it lands.

So the required changes to backport golang-1.16/1.16.2-0ubuntu1~20.04 from Focal to Bionic are:

* Downgrade debhelper compatibility level to 11. Compat 12 is not available in Bionic.
* Remove Breaks: dh-golang (<< 1.43~) from d/control{,.in}.