I've just tried using Gnuplot with a different desktop environment (XFCE) and it works fine. glxgears gives the following output.
bitt@bitt-laptop:~/Desktop$ glxgears
8147 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1629.356 FPS
8103 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1620.455 FPS
8133 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1626.414 FPS
8167 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1633.237 FPS
So it appears that 3D display is not the problem. It appears that Desktop effects are not in use with xfce.
I've just tried using Gnuplot with a different desktop environment (XFCE) and it works fine. glxgears gives the following output. laptop: ~/Desktop$ glxgears laptop: ~/Desktop$
8147 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1629.356 FPS
8103 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1620.455 FPS
8133 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1626.414 FPS
8167 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1633.237 FPS
So it appears that 3D display is not the problem. It appears that Desktop effects are not in use with xfce.