Comment 0 for bug 44067

Revision history for this message
David Planella (dpm) wrote :

The help pages shown when pressing the help button for the gnome-session-settings application (System>Preferences>Sessions) seem to be out of date with regards to the current version of the application (2.14.1-0ubuntu5 at the time of writing). For example:

1) Configuring Startup Applications section. The part which says:

"If you specify more than one startup application, use the Priority spin box to specify the startup order of the each application. The startup order is the order in which you want the startup applications to start."

does not apply anymore, since they seemed to drop the mentioned Priority spin box that used to live on the "Startup Programs" tab, which now seems to reside under the "Current Session" tab as the "Order" widget.

2) The four columns on the "Current Session" tab (i.e. "Order", "State", "Style", "Program") are not explained in the help file (Setting Session Properties section). Although you can easily figure out what "Order", "Style" and "Program" are since the corresponding widgets controlling their behaviour are explained, it is still unclear to me what "State" means. IMHO there should be at least an entry explaining what "State" means.