I'm currently working on preventing that language/locale settings functionality is unintentionally dropped, even if a few new packages (accountsservice, g-c-c, lightdm, g-s-d) have become involved. Nevertheless, if we would have the help document be translated now, due to the planned switch to the g-c-c UI most of that work would still likely need to be redone a few months later. Consequently we'd better stick to an English only Language Support Help also in Oneiric.
Let's consider this bug report to have served its purpose.
One of the work items on https:/ /blueprints. launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +spec/desktop- o-clean- up-language- support was to prepare Language Support Help for being translated. However, since that item was decided upon at UDS-O (http:// pad.ubuntu. com/uds- o-desktop- o-clean- up-language- support), it has been decided that the l-s UI will be replaced by the g-c-c UI for languages and locales during the 12.04 development circle, and the work item in the blueprint has been dropped.
I'm currently working on preventing that language/locale settings functionality is unintentionally dropped, even if a few new packages (accountsservice, g-c-c, lightdm, g-s-d) have become involved. Nevertheless, if we would have the help document be translated now, due to the planned switch to the g-c-c UI most of that work would still likely need to be redone a few months later. Consequently we'd better stick to an English only Language Support Help also in Oneiric.
Let's consider this bug report to have served its purpose.