* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/rules:
+ Add an epoch number to gnome-session-flashback package.
- debian/gnome-flashback-common.gsettings-override:
+ Disable some not needed gnome-flashback components.
+ Add the default settings for GNOME Flashback sessions.
- debian/gnome-session-flashback.target:
+ The target file for systemd, based on ubuntu-session.target.
+ Install this file into /usr/lib/systemd/user/ directory.
- debian/control.in:
+ Bump gnome-session-bin dependency to, to be able
to use run-systemd-session.
+ Add dependencies on dbus-user-session, indicator-common, nautilus
and systemd.
+ Use Ubuntu VCS fields.
- debian/patches/run-systemd-session.diff:
+ Use run-systemd-session script for running the session.
- debian/patches/support-indicator-keyboard.diff:
+ Support “org.gnome.desktop.input-sources current” key, to make indicator-keyboard working.
* Revert removing nautilus-classic from required components.
Ubuntu 18.04 ships Nautilus 3.26, which still has desktop icons support.
* Update suggestion: gnome-user-guide → gnome-user-docs (LP: #1691867).
This bug was fixed in the package gnome-flashback - 3.28.0-1ubuntu1
gnome-flashback (3.28.0-1ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining changes: flashback package. gnome-flashback -common. gsettings- override: gnome-session- flashback. target: session. target. systemd/ user/ directory. session. patches/ run-systemd- session. diff: patches/ support- indicator- keyboard. diff: desktop. input-sources current” key, to make
indicator- keyboard working.
- debian/rules:
+ Add an epoch number to gnome-session-
- debian/
+ Disable some not needed gnome-flashback components.
+ Add the default settings for GNOME Flashback sessions.
- debian/
+ The target file for systemd, based on ubuntu-
+ Install this file into /usr/lib/
- debian/control.in:
+ Bump gnome-session-bin dependency to, to be able
to use run-systemd-
+ Add dependencies on dbus-user-session, indicator-common, nautilus
and systemd.
+ Use Ubuntu VCS fields.
- debian/
+ Use run-systemd-session script for running the session.
- debian/
+ Support “org.gnome.
* Revert removing nautilus-classic from required components.
Ubuntu 18.04 ships Nautilus 3.26, which still has desktop icons support.
* Update suggestion: gnome-user-guide → gnome-user-docs (LP: #1691867).
-- Dmitry Shachnev <email address hidden> Wed, 28 Mar 2018 14:45:38 +0300