@Dan Bolser: Gnome Terminal uses only Ctrl+Alt+* shortcuts, so Ctrl+F/B should work normally, and menu presence should not matter. If any Gnome Terminal shortcuts conflict with bash/mc/… ones, please file a separate bug.
I personally can't see why this is a bug in appmenu, it works as expected here. What *is* an issue here is presence of "Show menubar" option, which is confusing for Unity users.
I'm marking it back as affecting gnome-terminal, as we should just hide that option for Unity users (it does nothing, and it can't do anything because the menu is never shown locally).
@Dan Bolser: Gnome Terminal uses only Ctrl+Alt+* shortcuts, so Ctrl+F/B should work normally, and menu presence should not matter. If any Gnome Terminal shortcuts conflict with bash/mc/… ones, please file a separate bug.
I personally can't see why this is a bug in appmenu, it works as expected here. What *is* an issue here is presence of "Show menubar" option, which is confusing for Unity users.
I'm marking it back as affecting gnome-terminal, as we should just hide that option for Unity users (it does nothing, and it can't do anything because the menu is never shown locally).