Since I wanted to play a bit with glade+gtkpython and I was missing a mean to manage services through the GUI, I spent a couple of days to make an upstart graphical front-end "ServiceManager" which is in attachment.
The program is really simple and lets you only list, stop start and restart the services because at the present time there's no mean in upstart to control if a service should be enabled or not. Even if the usefulness is quite low, I hope that it's still better than nothing.
The deb can be installed on all architecture and places an icon under the administration menu. The program itself is made of two files which can be found under /opt/servicemanager: "" is a glade3 project and "" is the program itself.
If I'll see some interest I can try to extend functionality (as far as the underlying tools like service, initctl etc. allow).
BIG DISCLAIMER: It's my first work on python, it's something made just to suite my needs, it's simple and stupid, but if it fills an hole I'm happy to share.
Since I wanted to play a bit with glade+gtkpython and I was missing a mean to manage services through the GUI, I spent a couple of days to make an upstart graphical front-end "ServiceManager" which is in attachment.
The program is really simple and lets you only list, stop start and restart the services because at the present time there's no mean in upstart to control if a service should be enabled or not. Even if the usefulness is quite low, I hope that it's still better than nothing.
The deb can be installed on all architecture and places an icon under the administration menu. The program itself is made of two files which can be found under /opt/serviceman ager: "" is a glade3 project and "" is the program itself.
If I'll see some interest I can try to extend functionality (as far as the underlying tools like service, initctl etc. allow).
BIG DISCLAIMER: It's my first work on python, it's something made just to suite my needs, it's simple and stupid, but if it fills an hole I'm happy to share.