Comment 14 for bug 441828

Revision history for this message
Max Barry (max-maxbarry) wrote :

Same here when running gnome-system-monitor with iPhone 3 connected via USB.

Some observations:

1. As noted by other posters, I get tons of output from "dbus-monitor --session"

2. As mentioned above, when starting gnome-system-monitor, at first the only output on the command-line is: "** (gnome-system-monitor:6765): WARNING **: SELinux was found but is not enabled."

3. While experiencing the problem, the command-line that I started gnome-system-monitor from received these two messages thousands of times:

(gnome-system-monitor:6582): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: cannot add match rule 'type='signal',interface='org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor',sender='org.gtk.Private.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor',': org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded: Connection ":1.236" is not allowed to add more match rules (increase limits in configuration file if required)

(gnome-system-monitor:6582): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: cannot add match rule 'type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus',member='NameOwnerChanged',arg0='org.gtk.Private.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor'': org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded: Connection ":1.236" is not allowed to add more match rules (increase limits in configuration file if required)

4. Usually, after I plug in my iPhone, my system automatically mounts both "Max's iPhone" and "Documents on Max's iPhone". However, when I unplugged the iPhone, restart gnome-system-monitor, and plug the phone back in, only the main device is auto-mounted, not "Documents".

5. After removing and replugging the phone, I was not able to reproduce the problem during that login session. It only happened if the phone was already plugged in before I logged in.

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04.