----- This is "normal" when opening the overview ----
May 24 16:15:02 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'x' of type 'gfloat'
May 24 16:15:02 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'y' of type 'gfloat'
May 24 16:15:02 kab gnome-shell[5789]: JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: shown: Error: Wrong type number; float expected. But it's out of range: -Infinity _init/GObject.Object.prototype.set@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GObject.js:553:16 _easeActor@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:155:15 init/Clutter.Actor.prototype.ease@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:294:19 _syncWorkspacesActualGeometry@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/workspacesView.js:728:21 _init/this._overviewShownId<@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/workspacesView.js:396:18 _emit@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/_signals.js:114:47 _showDone@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overview.js:604:14 onComplete@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overview.js:589:36 _makeEaseCallback/<@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:85:13 _easeActor/<@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:168:64
----- This appears to be the bug(?) -----
May 24 16:15:07 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'x' of type 'gfloat'
May 24 16:15:07 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'y' of type 'gfloat'
May 24 16:15:07 kab gnome-shell[5789]: JS ERROR: Error: Wrong type number; float expected. But it's out of range: -Infinity _init/GObject.Object.prototype.set@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GObject.js:553:16 _easeActor@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:155:15 init/Clutter.Actor.prototype.ease@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:294:19 _syncWorkspacesActualGeometry@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/workspacesView.js:728:21 animateToOverview@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/workspacesView.js:577:18 animateToOverview@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/viewSelector.js:278:33 _animateVisible@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overview.js:582:27 show@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overview.js:568:14 toggle@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overview.js:691:18 _initializeUI/<@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js:238:22
Thanks everyone. I can reproduce it now, even without ubuntu-dock. Looks like it is:
https:/ /gitlab. gnome.org/ GNOME/gnome- shell/- /issues/ 3969
but there are two flavours:
----- This is "normal" when opening the overview ----
May 24 16:15:02 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'x' of type 'gfloat'
_init/ GObject. Object. prototype. set@resource: ///org/ gnome/gjs/ modules/ core/overrides/ GObject. js:553: 16
_easeActor@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/environment. js:155: 15
init/ Clutter. Actor.prototype .ease@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/environment. js:294: 19
_syncWorksp acesActualGeome try@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/workspacesVi ew.js:728: 21
_init/ this._overviewS hownId< @resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/workspacesVi ew.js:396: 18
_emit@ resource: ///org/ gnome/gjs/ modules/ core/_signals. js:114: 47
_showDone@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/overview. js:604: 14
onComplete@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/overview. js:589: 36
_makeEaseCa llback/ <@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/environment. js:85:13
_easeActor/ <@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/environment. js:168: 64
May 24 16:15:02 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'y' of type 'gfloat'
May 24 16:15:02 kab gnome-shell[5789]: JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: shown: Error: Wrong type number; float expected. But it's out of range: -Infinity
----- This appears to be the bug(?) -----
May 24 16:15:07 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'x' of type 'gfloat'
_init/ GObject. Object. prototype. set@resource: ///org/ gnome/gjs/ modules/ core/overrides/ GObject. js:553: 16
_easeActor@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/environment. js:155: 15
init/ Clutter. Actor.prototype .ease@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/environment. js:294: 19
_syncWorksp acesActualGeome try@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/workspacesVi ew.js:728: 21
animateToOv erview@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/workspacesVi ew.js:577: 18
animateToOv erview@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/viewSelector .js:278: 33
_animateVis ible@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/overview. js:582: 27
show@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/overview. js:568: 14
toggle@ resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/overview. js:691: 18
_initialize UI/<@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/main. js:238: 22
May 24 16:15:07 kab gnome-shell[5789]: value "nan" of type 'gfloat' is invalid or out of range for property 'y' of type 'gfloat'
May 24 16:15:07 kab gnome-shell[5789]: JS ERROR: Error: Wrong type number; float expected. But it's out of range: -Infinity