been testing out some things with this - starting with both montitors correct, left monitor is primary, mouse moves across to right monitor ok. Then reboot/logoff and back on, monitors reversed and I have to manually change in settings / displays etc.
before the reboot, after manually making the correct display settings - I see in: stat -c %y .config/monitors.xml a timestamp of 2017-11-08 17:11:55.624995543 +0100
after the reboot the displays are back in the wrong setting and timestamp in stat -c %y .config/monitors.xml = 11-08 17:41:21.223296912 +0100
been testing out some things with this - starting with both montitors correct, left monitor is primary, mouse moves across to right monitor ok. Then reboot/logoff and back on, monitors reversed and I have to manually change in settings / displays etc.
before the reboot, after manually making the correct display settings - I see in: stat -c %y .config/ monitors. xml a timestamp of 2017-11-08 17:11:55.624995543 +0100
after the reboot the displays are back in the wrong setting and timestamp in stat -c %y .config/ monitors. xml = 11-08 17:41:21.223296912 +0100