* Merge from Debian unstable. (LP: #1542744) Remaining changes:
- debian/control.in:
+ Depend on gnome-session which due to package
split now contains only the session files
+ drop depend on gnome-icon-theme-symoblic
- debian/rules: switch to adwaita-icon-theme
- debian/patches/ubuntu-lightdm-user-switching.patch:
+ Allow user switching when using LightDM.
- debian/patches/ubuntu_lock_on_suspend.patch
+ Respect Ubuntu's lock-on-suspend setting.
- debian/gnome-shell.gsettings-override:
+ Replace iceweasel with firefox
-- Jackson Doak <email address hidden> Sun, 07 Feb 2016 11:04:49 +1100
This bug was fixed in the package gnome-shell - 3.18.3-3ubuntu1
gnome-shell (3.18.3-3ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. (LP: #1542744) Remaining changes: theme-symoblic patches/ ubuntu- lightdm- user-switching. patch: patches/ ubuntu_ lock_on_ suspend. patch gnome-shell. gsettings- override:
- debian/control.in:
+ Depend on gnome-session which due to package
split now contains only the session files
+ drop depend on gnome-icon-
- debian/rules: switch to adwaita-icon-theme
- debian/
+ Allow user switching when using LightDM.
- debian/
+ Respect Ubuntu's lock-on-suspend setting.
- debian/
+ Replace iceweasel with firefox
-- Jackson Doak <email address hidden> Sun, 07 Feb 2016 11:04:49 +1100