FYI the bug may be temporarily fixed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (with HWE), Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (and Mint 19) using packages from my PPA ( or " ppa:nrbrtx/xorg-hotkeys " ). It contains patched Xorg (with patch from kyak - ). Thank you very much again, kyak!
And it is unbelievable that we need to patch core graphical system component by ourselves to use traditional keyboard shortcuts ...
FYI the bug may be temporarily fixed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (with HWE), Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (and Mint 19) using packages from my PPA ( https:/ /launchpad. net/~nrbrtx/ +archive/ ubuntu/ xorg-hotkeys or " ppa:nrbrtx/ xorg-hotkeys " ). It contains patched Xorg (with patch from kyak - https:/ /aur.archlinux. org/packages/ xorg-server- bug865/ ). Thank you very much again, kyak!
And it is unbelievable that we need to patch core graphical system component by ourselves to use traditional keyboard shortcuts ...