Discovered that it is unrelated to gnome-settings-daemon, you can try the following script. It binds '1' key and pressing it causes the same behavior:
import dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
o = bus.get_object('org.gnome.Shell', '/org/gnome/Shell')
code = o.GrabAccelerator('1', 0, dbus_interface='org.gnome.Shell')
raw_input("Grab set to key '1', press Enter to continue and ungrab")
print o.UngrabAccelerator(code, dbus_interface='org.gnome.Shell')
(at least in Ubuntu, someone with vanilla Gnome can try it too. Ubuntu uses compiz to implement org/gnome/Shell/GrabAccelerator.)
Discovered that it is unrelated to gnome-settings- daemon, you can try the following script. It binds '1' key and pressing it causes the same behavior:
#!/usr/bin/python object( 'org.gnome. Shell', '/org/gnome/Shell') or('1', 0, dbus_interface= 'org.gnome. Shell') ator(code, dbus_interface= 'org.gnome. Shell')
import dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
o = bus.get_
code = o.GrabAccelerat
raw_input("Grab set to key '1', press Enter to continue and ungrab")
print o.UngrabAcceler
(at least in Ubuntu, someone with vanilla Gnome can try it too. Ubuntu uses compiz to implement org/gnome/ Shell/GrabAccel erator. )