Comment 100 for bug 1246272

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Squiter (squiter85) wrote :

Also happens here! Im using Elementary OS, based on Ubuntu 14.04.
My Lenovo G40 has a BR layout keyboard that works fine until I bough a US layout mechanical keyboard, after that I cannot set the us layout as default in any way. It aways change to BR, after and after. A simple alt+tab is enough to reconfigure my keyboard settings.

I already tried to run:

* setxkbmap -rules evdev -model evdev -layout us -variant intl -option caps:ctrl_modifier
* gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources current 0
* sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Every command works fine until I change the current windows, that imediatly changes to br layout again. I was planing to go to Ubuntu, but I see that problem is not a Elementary exclusivity.