Comment 21 for bug 311057

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jmaasing (johan-zoom) wrote : Re: Add to Panel - Menu bar just reproduces Main menu

Oh, ok, the applets do what they are intended to do so this is not a bug, my bad.

Still, a better wording in the "Add dialog" would be good. The use of "A" as in "A custom menu bar" suggests it is different from "The" in "The main GNOME menu". I thought it was a difference that I could add several "Custom"-menues with different content.
Also the use of "custom" suggested to me that I, as a user of Ubuntu, could customize the menu. Not that this was a custom implementation of a menu-viewer program.

So perhaps it would be better to say something like
"The main GNOME menu" and "The compact menu"
"The main menu" and "The application menu"

Paul: let's learn Gnome and build the menu we both want :-)