Comment 58 for bug 204775

Revision history for this message
johanpdx (johanpdx) wrote :

Well, not sure what to say.

The clock worked yesterday--unscrolled correctly after a brief hesitation--but today the panels froze as before, and the shutdown icon was inactive. (Interestingly, the update icon worked!) Now, after installing today's updates, I've rebooted and I just pushed the clock button again, and again the upper and lower panels are frozen, mostly. The keyboard toggle still works--toggling from USA to RUS (Cyrillic) keyboard--and I can change the volume, but can't start new applications or use desktop switcher or shut down As you can see, the active application (Firefox, on which I'm typing this e-mail) is working fine. The button remains in its depressed (shaded) position.

Yesterday, I had been working for several hours before trying the clock and finding that it worked OK, whereas these are my first few minutes on the computer today. Can't for the life of me think of what I did differently, otherwise.

--Your mystified penguin admirer, Johan