Comment 12 for bug 1845362

Revision history for this message
Nate (nlortz) wrote :

I am brand new to linux. Just purchased a System76 laptop that shipped to me with PopOS 20.04 installed. In checking out the new system, I can confirm this bug exists there too (makes sense, given the ubuntu base).

Launching the Fonts app from their launcher bring the app up, but that's as far as it goes. It becomes immediately unresponsive and the window cannot be closed.
I am only able to exit by ending the process. Repeated a couple times with the same results.

I googled the issue and found this thread.

Going from the posts above, I launched the 'gnome-font-viewer' from the command line.
In doing so, the app launched, and appears to be fully functional. Subsequent launches both from the command line, and the gui launcher now, are also functional.

The first launch from the command line did generate the error message below however. Since I've never used linux, I don't know what it means, but maybe it'll help.

Gtk-Message: 17:33:41: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"