The current fwupd packages in focal have to be rebuild with the latest 1.18.6 modem manager[1] in updates channel.
In the modem-manager plugin of fwupd, there are several version check macros to determine the version of modem-manager, for instance:
#if MM_CHECK_VERSION(1, 17, 2) #include "fu-firehose-updater.h" #endif
If the version is equal to or newer than 1.17.2, fwupd will have different behaviors. And the previous version in Focal is 1.16.6 so we have to rebuild or do a version bump to make sure it compile with the new modem manager.
The current fwupd packages in focal have to be rebuild with the latest 1.18.6 modem manager[1] in updates channel.
In the modem-manager plugin of fwupd, there are several version check macros to determine the version of modem-manager, for instance:
https:/ /git.launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +source/ fwupd/tree/ plugins/ modem-manager/ fu-mm-device. c?h=ubuntu/ focal-updates# n22
#if MM_CHECK_VERSION(1, 17, 2) updater. h"
#include "fu-firehose-
If the version is equal to or newer than 1.17.2, fwupd will have different behaviors. And the previous version in Focal is 1.16.6 so we have to rebuild or do a version bump to make sure it compile with the new modem manager.
[1] /launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +source/ modemmanager/ 1.18.6- 1~ubuntu20. 04.1