Comment 0 for bug 1983768

Revision history for this message
David Hedlund (g-public) wrote :

This issue is for gnome-disks, for its Resize function. I've only evaluated this for EXT4 file systems.

1) In a terminal, run $ lsblk
2) Open gnome-disks
3) Select a partition, and click on the "Mount selected" partition button.
4) Click on the "Additional partition options" button, and then on the "Resize..." entry to open the "Resize Volume" window.
5) In the "Resize Volume" window, enlarge the "Current size" and then click on the "Resize" button.
6) In the terminal, run $ lsblk again, and compare the SIZE of the partition with the previously output from lsblk
7) Result: Both the partition and the _file system_ will be enlarged.

Does not work:
* Run the above steps but skip step 3 (do not mount the partition).
* Result: The partition will be enlarged, but not the _file system_ will not be enlarged.

The Resize function should automatically resize the file system, regardless if the partition is mounted or not, like gparted.

If it helps, the gparted log says that its using: $ resize2fs -p '/dev/sda2'