bug #1012081 =
Applications in the default desktop - specifically gnome-disk-utility - depend on behaviour only introduced in util-linux 2.21+. Specifically if you select "Show in user interface" in mount options, it adds the mount option "x-gvfs-show" to the mount options in /etc/fstab. Mounting of this mount point then fails because the option is unrecognised.
in particular, comment #51 =
[...] The fstab entries done by the gnome-disk-utility v 3.10.0 which comes with 14.04.2 are still causing problems at boot.
After some try and error I found that the entry in fstab needs to be "...comment=x-gvfs-show..." as opposed to "...x-gvfs-show..." entered by the gnome-disk-utility when "Show in user interface" is checked.
please read up
bug #1012081 =
Applications in the default desktop - specifically gnome-disk-utility - depend on behaviour only introduced in util-linux 2.21+. Specifically if you select "Show in user interface" in mount options, it adds the mount option "x-gvfs-show" to the mount options in /etc/fstab. Mounting of this mount point then fails because the option is unrecognised.
in particular, comment #51 = x-gvfs- show... " as opposed to "...x-gvfs-show..." entered by the gnome-disk-utility when "Show in user interface" is checked.
[...] The fstab entries done by the gnome-disk-utility v 3.10.0 which comes with 14.04.2 are still causing problems at boot.
After some try and error I found that the entry in fstab needs to be "...comment=