gnome-desktop 3.26 hardened the thumbnailers with bubblewrap to mitigate several vulnerabilities. Ubuntu had to disable that feature until bubblewrap could be promoted to main.
bubblewrap is now in main for 18.10 and the feature is now enabled there. The intention has been for that change to be backported to 18.04 LTS as a security fix.
gnome-desktop 3.26 hardened the thumbnailers with bubblewrap to mitigate several vulnerabilities. Ubuntu had to disable that feature until bubblewrap could be promoted to main.
bubblewrap is now in main for 18.10 and the feature is now enabled there. The intention has been for that change to be backported to 18.04 LTS as a security fix.
The bubblewrap MIR is https:/ /launchpad. net/bugs/ 1709164
We'll need to promote bubblewrap to main before this update should be pushed to bionic.
Can you sponsor directly from the git repo instead of with a debdiff?
gbp clone https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~ubuntu- desktop/ ubuntu/ +source/ gnome-desktop3