The bug is that when no EDID information is available, the default resolution options top out at 1024x768. This is not usable on most modern systems. It would be very easy to provide a list of standard 4:3 and 16:9 resolutions so that if it can't be autoconfigured, a user can at least use the gui to choose something *close* without having to generate an Xorg.conf.
To address the minimum criteria for a complete bug report, I reiterate from my initial post:
1) I created a system that used a DP->DVI adapter. No EDID info was generated.
2) I expected to be presented with a list of common resolutions in the gui.
3) The list of default resolutions topped out at 1024x768.
The bug is that when no EDID information is available, the default resolution options top out at 1024x768. This is not usable on most modern systems. It would be very easy to provide a list of standard 4:3 and 16:9 resolutions so that if it can't be autoconfigured, a user can at least use the gui to choose something *close* without having to generate an Xorg.conf.
To address the minimum criteria for a complete bug report, I reiterate from my initial post:
1) I created a system that used a DP->DVI adapter. No EDID info was generated.
2) I expected to be presented with a list of common resolutions in the gui.
3) The list of default resolutions topped out at 1024x768.